About Me

My History
I am a specialist in Cornice Cleaning, Cornice Repair and Cornice Restoration I have been working with these wonderful mouldings for many years.
I started my cornice apprenticeship in 1984 with E G MILLAR PLASTERING LTD.
It was Mr Millar who first started to clean cornice’s with steam in early 1983, the very first cornice to be cleaned was in Highgate North London, which had great results, so Mr Millar went about promoting cornice cleaning and restoring cornice’s in and around London. read more….
About Us

About Us
We use STEAM ONLY and never use any chemicals. We have been doing so since 1985.
Over the years we have seen time and time again the damage that chemical cleaning can do to fragile cornices that are hundreds of years old, these have to be treated very carefully. read more….
Cornice Repair

Cornice Repair
We are experts in Cornice Repair, much of our work is carried out in old historic buildings, from the small Victorian terraced houses to the very large properties. Typically, the cornices are caked in many years of paint and many cornices have sections or parts missing. Having spent many years in the business of cornices there is nothing that we cannot fix, from cornice repair to cornice restoration to the complete removal of paint. read more….
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Chemical Damage

Chemical Stripper Damage
In May of last year, I was appointed to undertake the cleaning and restoring of the cornice’s at 42 leinster gardens.
The main contractor had already approached one cornice firm to come in to the property to do a test on the cornice using paint stripper, although they had removed all the paint and the distemper, the chemical paint stripper had caused irreversible damage to the cornice, leaving the surface pitted. read more…
Ceiling Roses

Ceiling Rose
We also clean, restore and replace Ceiling Roses.
We believe that if possible the original features should be kept but sometimes this is just not possible. In this case we try and restore the damaged area to keep as much of the original feature as possible.
If the Ceiling Rose is beyond repair we can supply a brand new one of high quality to blend in with the original features.read more…
Repainting Cornice

Once we have finished cleaning the paint from the cornice and carried out any repairs that we may have uncovered, the cornice is ready for repainting. Instead of using paint brushes to apply the paint onto the cornice we offer a spary painting solution. This is a very refined finish and prevents the build up of paint on the detailing of the corniceing. It looks fantastic and finishes off